Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Completed! The Book of Leviticus!

I am trying something new today and hopefully it works. Here is a my completed study of Leviticus in a book that you can flip through on your computer! If the embedded viewer does not work you can also try to click the direct link to Issuu below.

Doodle Through The Bible - Leviticus



  1. I think you should consider uploading your book to Amazon for sale. I bet people would buy it for their children or see if a publisher is interested. This is great. Love how you did that.

    1. Thank you! I have been getting several requests from people wanting to be able to have an actual book to hold in their hands. I have started looking into it a little bit. I did just send the Lockman Foundation an inquiry about copyright issues as they are the owner of the NASB translation that I use for all the scripture quotations. I looked into Amazon a bit and from what I can tell if I were to offer these up for print the price (I used the book of Leviticus as the model) would probably end up being between 6-8 dollars in order to cover cost (I may have been reading it wrong, but that is the initial estimate that I could see). . . to me that seems a little higher than I would expect people to want to pay. But I will keep looking into it. I took the first baby step and contacted the Lockman foundation and I will wait and see what their response is :) If you or anyone else has any experience doing this I would love to talk to you more. There is a contact form on the sidebar to the right if anyone has any suggestions :) Thank you again for all your kind words and encouragement!

    2. please keep us updated on how this goes. And so you know, i would be happy to pay that price!

  2. this is absolutely fantastic! i so enjoyed flipping through these. Goodness, so inspiring. I vaguely remember asking you this before so, sorry if i did!, but i was wondering, what did you use for this particular journal? Was it pieces of paper you put together? And I absolutely agree with peabea because I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to purchase this if it were to be for sale! :)

    1. I have been doing this bible study on just regular cheapo printer paper and then I store the finished pages in plastic sleeves in a three ring binder so that the kids can flip through it as much as they want without ripping pages :) (I have a three year old son and then 4 grandkids who are all under the age of 6 so they can be kind of rough on books, but this system seems to work really well for us.) I wrote a response to Peabea above about selling these. The idea is a bit overwhelming to me because these are just my personal bible studies but as I told her I will keep checking into it and see what I can learn :) Thank you so much for all your encouragement! It means a lot to me :)

    2. that is a smart idea. I have kids who are very rough on books also! To say the least. I hope you continue to keep the book idea in consideration. I really think this would be a blessing to so many others! But i do love your blog if it doesn't work out. Such a wonderful source of inspiration to look through them and see how your thoughts and interpretations translate into beautiful art and cute characters!
